Mixed media installation
Glass, ice, ceramic, analog photography in lightbox
2019 - 2022 

In the high mountains of Colombia grows the frailejón, a plant that captures moisture from the fog through its leaves and then releases the water through its roots. Bodies inside each other is a installation that explores the relationship between the frailejón and its environment. An ice-filled glass bowl inspired by the inside of the plant transforms the ice through condensation into drops of water, which are collected in a ceramic bowl shaped like the plant’s stem. Jazmin Rojas Forero sees her sculpture as a body in which the atmosphere can manifest itself.

Documentation by Juan Francisco Rodriguez, Fahdel Maiel and Jazmin Rojas Forero

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III Premio Salón de Arte Jóven

Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, Bogotá, Colombia

Mixed media installation
Ceramic, glass, ice, stone, contact speakers, analog photography

Bodies inside each other explores our relationship of interconnection and reciprocity with the atmosphere and plants, from observing the Frailejón, a plant that inhabits the páramo ecosystem in Colombia. In the installation converge a series of sculptural gestures that were the result of the process of biological and ecological research of the plant, the writing of a field diary and experimentation with organic and electronic materials.

During the process I realized that no matter how deeply I looked inside the plant, even through the microscope, the plant revealed to me its relationship with the fog, the rains, the intense sun, the low and high temperatures of the territory. The question of who came first, the páramo or the frailejón, is impossible to answer, both have built their home.

The ceramic pieces were conceived in analogy to the dead leaves that make up most of the plant. The frailejón creates a thick layer of dead matter around its trunk to keep it from freezing. I began to find relationships between the plant and the mediums of my artistic practice. The association between the leaves' constant cycle of life and death with the phenomenon of feedback in sound led me to take a microphone and a contact speaker and listen to the ceramic pieces to provoke the feedback and thus make a unique sound emerge from the material, provoked by itself.

The glass piece contains ice inside and since the temperature is lower than the environment, it condenses water from the atmosphere on its walls and every so often a drop of water falls on a rock.

I conceive the sculptures as bodies for the atmosphere to manifest itself, containers that reveal the space and the matter where they are arranged. The installation reveals and invites us to consciously inhabit this fluid body, phantasmagoric matter, apparently "non-living", but which interconnects us.


Process documentation

Documentation by Juan Francisco Rodriguez and Jazmin Rojas Forero

- Reconocimiento XVII Salón Regional de Artistas SRA (V) Zona Centro. Online, 2021
- Premio III Salón de Arte Jóven. IDARTES 2019

- Luna Festival - Media Art Friesland, Leeuwarden, Neetherlands, 2024
- On pliny’s paths. Twin city associtation Cologne - Tunis. Studios Alterburger Wall 1, Cologne, Germany, 2023
- Water matters. Kheireddine Palace, Tunis, Tunisia, 2023
- XVII Salón Regional de Artistas SRA (V) Zona Centro. Online, 2021
- El comenzar. LIA Laboratorio. ARTBO Fin de Semana. Online, 2020
- XII Premio de Arte Joven Embajada de España Colsanitas, Galería Nueveochenta, Bogotá, Colombia, 2019
- Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, Bogotá, Colombia, 2019
- Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Manizales, Colombia, 2019


Mixed media installation
Glass, ice, ceramic, Lightbox
2019 - 2022

In the high mountains of Colombia grows the frailejón, a plant that captures moisture from the fog through its leaves and then releases the water through its roots. Bodies inside each other is a installation that explores the relationship between the frailejón and its environment. An ice-filled glass bowl inspired by the inside of the plant transforms the ice through condensation into drops of water, which are collected in a ceramic bowl shaped like the plant’s stem. Jazmin Rojas Forero sees her sculpture as a body in which the atmosphere can manifest itself.

En las altas montañas de Colombia crece el frailejón, una planta que capta la humedad de la neblina a través de sus hojas y luego la libera a través de sus raíces. Cuerpos contendios entre sí es una instalación que explora la relación entre el frailejón y su entorno. Un cuenco de cristal lleno de hielo, inspirado en el interior de la planta, transforma el hielo por condensación en gotas de agua, que se recogen en un cuenco de cerámica con la forma del tallo de la planta. Jazmin Rojas Forero ve su escultura como un cuerpo en el que la atmósfera se manifiesta.

ducción realizada con la versión gratuita del

- Reconocimiento XVII Salón Regional de Artistas SRA (V) Zona Centro. Online, 2021
- Premio III Salón de Arte Jóven. IDARTES 2019

- Luna Festival - Media Art Friesland, Leeuwarden, Neetherlands, 2024
- On pliny’s paths. Twin city associtation Cologne - Tunis. Studios Alterburger Wall 1, Cologne, Germany, 2023
- Water matters. Kheireddine Palace, Tunis, Tunisia, 2023
- XVII Salón Regional de Artistas SRA (V) Zona Centro. Online, 2021
- El comenzar. LIA Laboratorio. ARTBO Fin de Semana. Online, 2020
- XII Premio de Arte Joven Embajada de España Colsanitas, Galería Nueveochenta, Bogotá, Colombia, 2019
- Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, Bogotá, Colombia, 2019
- Festival Internacional de la Imagen, Manizales, Colombia, 2019


Other exhibition installation views

III Premio Salón de Arte Jóven
Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, Bogotá, Colom

Mixed media installation
Ceramic, glass, ice, stone, contact speakers, analog photography

Bodies inside each other explores our relationship of interconnection and reciprocity with the atmosphere and plants, from observing the Frailejón, a plant that inhabits the páramo ecosystem in Colombia. In the installation converge a series of sculptural gestures that were the result of the process of biological and ecological research of the plant, the writing of a field diary and experimentation with organic and electronic materials.

During the process I realized that no matter how deeply I looked inside the plant, even through the microscope, the plant revealed to me its relationship with the fog, the rains, the intense sun, the low and high temperatures of the territory. The question of who came first, the páramo or the frailejón, is impossible to answer, both have built their home.

The ceramic pieces were conceived in analogy to the dead leaves that make up most of the plant. The frailejón creates a thick layer of dead matter around its trunk to keep it from freezing. I began to find relationships between the plant and the mediums of my artistic practice. The association between the leaves' constant cycle of life and death with the phenomenon of feedback in sound led me to take a microphone and a contact speaker and listen to the ceramic pieces to provoke the feedback and thus make a unique sound emerge from the material, provoked by itself.

The glass piece contains ice inside and since the temperature is lower than the environment, it condenses water from the atmosphere on its walls and every so often a drop of water falls on a rock.

I conceive the sculptures as bodies for the atmosphere to manifest itself, containers that reveal the space and the matter where they are arranged. The installation reveals and invites us to consciously inhabit this fluid body, phantasmagoric matter, apparently "non-living", but which interconnects us.

Process documentation

Cuerpos contenidos entre sí 

Cerámica, vidrio, parlantes de contacto, fotografía análoga

Cuerpos contenidos entre sí explora nuestra relación de interconexión y reciprocidad con la atmósfera y las plantas, a partir de observar al Frailejón, un planta que habita el ecosistema de páramo en Colombia. En la instalación convergen una serie de gestos escultóricos que fueron resultado del proceso de investigación biológica y ecológica de la planta, la escritura de un diario de campo y la experimentación con materiales orgánicos y electrónicos.

Durante el proceso me di cuenta que por más profundo que observará en el interior de la planta, incluso a través del microscopio, la planta me revelaba su relación con la neblina, las lluvias, el sol intenso, las bajas y altas temperaturas del territorio. La pregunta de quién fue primero, sí el páramo o el frailejón es imposible de responder, ambos han construído su casa.

Las piezas en cerámica fueron concebidas en analogía a las hojas muertas que conforman la mayor parte de la planta. El frailejón crea una capa gruesa de materia muerta alrededor de su tronco para no congelarse. Empecé a encontrar relaciones entre la planta y los medios de mi práctica artística. La asociación entre el ciclo de vida y muerte constante de las hojas con el fenómeno de feedback en el sonido, me llevó a tomar un micrófono y un parlante de contacto y auscultar las piezas en cerámica para provocar el feedback y así hacer emerger del material un sonido único provocado por sí mismo.

La pieza en vidrio contiene hielo en su interior y ya que la temperatura es menor que la del ambiente, condensa agua de la atmósfera en sus paredes y cada cierto tiempo una gota de agua cae sobre una roca.

Concibo las esculturas como cuerpos para que la atmósfera se manifieste, contenedores que revelan el espacio y la materia donde están dispuestos. La instalación revela e invita a habitar conscientemente ese cuerpo fluido, materia fantasmagórica, aparentemente “no-viva”, pero que nos interconecta.